Our People

Meet the Team

We are out-of-the box thinkers and problem solvers. Highly qualified, highly awarded, and highly dedicated to our Strata communities—that’s you.

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“Highly Recommended!”

“Nothing but professional”

What we Do

You’re an owner in a strata scheme, a developer looking for a manager, or a member of an existing Council of Owners. You need a team you can trust from day one and never need to reconsider.

We’re a group of excellent people looking to make your life easier by streamlining communications, delivering cost efficiencies, resolving conflicts and delivering beautiful Strata community living.

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You can rest easy placing your administration and financials in the hands of a team that prides ourselves on not just knowing the Act, but leveraging it to create amazing solutions for our schemes.

You’ll be confident of delivering great outcomes for owners and residents in your Strata scheme, knowing that you’re working with  a highly awarded, Strata Management Practice Standard-certified team.

strata managers

Our Team

strata managers


Kristy Ward

Kristy is an award-winning Strata manager who goes above and beyond for her clients.

She began her career working for real estate agencies as an independent consultant, and for a Strata management company that she loved. Starting her own business was always part of her plan to train the next generation of Strata managers and innovate processes industry-wide.

With fresh ideas and more than 17 years’ experience, Kristy’s mission is to use her involvement in Strata to lift standards and improve the culture of the industry across the board. She has a well-earned reputation for resolving difficult situations and making ethical decisions based on what’s best for her clients, rather than what’s easy.

Kristy’s qualifications include a Certificate IV in Real Estate, a Diploma of Business Administration, a Certificate IV in Strata Community Management and the A100 SCA Introduction to Living & Working in a Strata Community. She is a Fellow of the Strata Community of Australia (WA), the highest level of accreditation for practicing Strata managers in Australia awarded to managers with an extensive record of service to the industry.

Kristy is a fun-loving crazy cat lady/mum to the handsome Hercules and gorgeous Perseus – two cats who are fast-tracked to become Perth’s next #petfluencers. If you’re interested in following them, ask their mum!

A typical office day will see Kristy sneaking in cuddles with the cats (she occasionally brings her fur children to work – perks of being the boss), and long romantic walks to the front door when her UberEats order is about to arrive.

Kristy was born in a farming town a few hours inland from Perth and has since caught the travel bug and visited all corners of the world – New Zealand, Burma, Japan, Ireland, Italy, Vietnam and America for starters, and there’s more exploring to be done. She’s even taken up diving with sharks on her travels (with no cage!), but she doesn’t dive in WA anymore after coming face-to-face with a hungry shark off Rottnest. No joke!

Spending time with her family is one of her favourite pastimes. Kristy has four brothers and is lucky enough to count them all as best friends.

Strata Manager

Donna O’Neill

Donna manages schemes in our portfolio and is involved in all aspects, from chairing meetings to ad-hoc advice and communication.

She loves working in Strata to help clients navigate the often-tricky requirements of the Strata Titles Act, find solutions that fit their needs, and create harmonious Strata communities.

Donna holds a Diploma of Business and has a career spanning more than 15 years across Strata management, property and facilities management, and contract administration.

Donna (also known as DJ) is a travel aficionado, even with her young boys in tow. Her favourite experiences have included a white Christmas in Finland, carb-loading with a view in Cinque Terre (pasta and pizza is life!) and a trip to beautiful Vietnam.

It’s no surprise Donna hasn’t always lived in Perth—she’s also lived in Brisbane, the UK, remote mining towns in far north QLD, and Singapore.

Outside of the office, you’ll find her outdoors, flexing her green thumb in the garden, running after two energetic boys and enjoying leisurely meals at her fave Perth spots: Odyssea, The Attic in Freo, and Nobu for those special occasions!

What People are Saying

Prestige Strata is a strata management business at the forefront of its profession. Ms Ward endeavours to find innovative solutions to challenging situations, from a strong ethical position.

Mark AtkinsonAtkinson Legal